Last night life was pretty close to normal (but of course "normal" in our house is "abnormal"...). Suddenly we got a call from the Knifongs, reminding us that it was Rosh Hashana. So we ate up a quick dinner and rushed over to their house for an evening (or rather a nighttime) of Jewish festivities! I hope you enjoy the pictures!
Thank you for having us over at the spur of the moment Knifong family!
Oh... one more thing... I was totally in favour of staying up till 11:59 pm and doing a countdown until the Jewish New Year, but unfortunately everyone wanted their beauty sleep!
Shiloh takes a turn on my violin, while I do the double task of accompanying and talking to Jamie Lyn.
More of the same:
A nice affect to this picture! Oh... and of course Eden wants me to say she took this picture!
An Evening of Music from Ebenezer Forest Farm on Vimeo.
Just one more thing...
Mommy will be posting soon on the history, significance, etc. etc. etc. of this Holiday. So stay tuned for that!
Also, who's going to volunteer to stay up with me (till 12:00 am) on the next Jewish New Year?
Posted by:
We really like the photos!
BTW are you all Jewish?
No, but the God we serve is!! ;)
Okay! That is our view to!
I'll stay up with you Bethany! Yo Ba Sho!
Oh thank you Auntie Kaggy! I'm so happy to hear that! I love you!
Yo Ba Sho!
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