Hi there! If you haven't heard from me in a while, it's because I haven't had anything to say... But now I do!
The other day, we took Judah to the fire station because Daddy had to pick something up.
On the way.
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I Samuel 7:12 "Then samuel took a stone... and called the name of it Ebenezer, saying, hitherto hath the LORD helped us."
Dressing Up for Geneva, Switzerland from Ebenezer Forest Farm on Vimeo.
Joshua and Sam Sing of Brendon the Evangelist Explorer at St. Andrews, Scotland from Douglas Phillips on Vimeo.
Now There's Some Manly Singin' Fer Ye: Sam and Josh Belt-Out Killiekrankie from the Ancient Land of St. Andrews, Scotland! from Douglas Phillips on Vimeo.
Great post Jordan!
Judah is so cute. He looks like our brother when we took HIM to the fire station! He walked around and said, "ohhh" for a while!
Your Friends
Thanks for the pictures Jordan! Looks to me like Judah needs a "Rosie" of his own!
Love you
Grandma & Grandpa
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