Saturday, July 31, 2010

Shiloh's Graduation!

Since we all have been so busy, we never got around to posting about Shiloh's graduation.  So here is the post!  

Shiloh getting her cap and gown.  "Ohhh!  This is so exciting!"  :)
(One of the many "things" we kept telling her!)

Jordan and I were volunteers!
Very exciting... but I should have gotten paid.....!
Us together.
Passing out fliers.
Jordan hard at work!
The flyer!
The graduates practicing and getting ready for the real thing!  (Shiloh's in the very back.)

There's Shiloh, right in the front.

And off they go!

Shiloh mounts the stage!

She is met by Daddy and Mommy...
Given her diploma...
And gets her picture taken!

Class of 2010 performs "The moving of the tassel".
Mr. Rick Boyer gave the message, here Shiloh gets to meet him!
And she did it!  She graduated!  HUZZAH!!!  Congratulations Shiloh!
A family picture of all of us.
And here's how it looks trying to get seven people to pose! 
I thought this picture was too funny! :)
(Click on the picture to get the full effect!)
Awwww!  Judah was such a trooper!
And he is really cute too!

Afterwards we went out to dinner with some friends at a Mexican restaurant.
They did a Graduation Surprise for Shiloh, sang songs, and fed us delicious food!
Meanwhile... Shiloh was "Live'n la vita loco!"

Now, I knew that us siblings should do an extra special surprise for Shiloh.  (After all, graduations don't happen that often...)  So my idea was to write words to  one of her favorite songs and sing the song for her in the restaurant!  We did and Jordan even got to play one of the musician's guitars!

Here's the movie:

We wrote the song in about 15 min, two days before her graduation!  That gave us barely any time to rehearse!  Jordan, Eden, and I wrote the words to the chorus, and I wrote the words to the two verses.  (It was at about 11:35 pm and I scribbled it away in bed!)

Here's the words:

It’s Graduation Time!

Words by:
Bethany, Jordan, & Eden
I just wanna put on that blue cap and gown,
Without a single frown.
I wanna hear applause from the people’s paws,
It’s a just and righteous cause!
With diploma in hand, Oh yes! Hear the playing band.
My schoolwork all is banned!
I am nine plus nine and I’m feelin’ fine.
‘Cause it’s graduation time!
For my parents it seems, all like a dream,
To see me graduate.
It wasn’t long ago, that I was “Baby Shiloh”.
I only slept and ate.
But now I’m full grown, which my siblings have known.
For quite some time now.
Because I’ve finished my math, from problem one to last!
And all they say is: “Wow”!

Oh, to me all I see, is how can this be?
Is this really happening?
As I take the “walk”, I thank my parent’s for what they taught.
And I thank God for great things.
As the tassel I move, it’s too good to be true!
To God be all the praise!
My picture’s taken there, I throw my hat up in the air!
What an amazing day!

I just wanna put on that blue cap and gown,
Without a single frown.
I wanna hear applause from the people’s paws,
It’s a just and righteous cause!
With diploma in hand, Oh yes! Hear the playing band.
My schoolwork all is banned!
I am nine plus nine and I’m feelin’ fine.
‘Cause it’s graduation time!

It’s Graduation Time!
Over all, it was a beautiful day and we are all very proud of Shiloh! 
"Congratulation's Shiloh!  We love you!"
When we got home, I found this:

Nice try, Eden... but you do have a few more years of school left.........!!!!! :)

Posted By:


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Virtuous Women Magazine: V6, I2

Virtuous Women Magazine Volume 6, Issue 2 is finally on it's way out! PTL! After having lots of computer trouble... we were just able to print it, copy it, staple it, fold it, label it,... and soon it will be in your mailbox. Isn't that exciting? Now for a few pictures...

This issues' theme is: "The Fear of the Lord"

Here's a picture of all the issues before they were stapled with 129 staples to be exact!

Remember how De-De arranged the all the issues in the past? If you don't click here for V5,I4 and click here for V6,I1... Well this time with her creative mind she set up this little community with a church in the middle (she wanted to make sure everyone knew that! :) ).
Quite artistic! Don't you agree??

Well! The magazine should find it's way into your mailbox very soon! Also, if you are reading this and you are not a subscriber and are interested in the magazine... please leave us a comment and we will let you know what information you need to subscribe or to receive a sample!

Have a blessed day!


  Contact VW here ~ Contact us

See all posts related to VW

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Happy 12th Birthday to Eden!

Happy Birthday Eden!
Yesterday (July 21st) was Eden's 12th Birthday.  This is a birthday post for our "Bobcat" De-De!
Eden loves her baby dolls...
 And Shiloh and Bethany love their "Baby Dolls" too!
It's all smiles...
And all laughs with De-De!
That's why love having her in our family!
She's a great help to her sisters...
Um... the majority of the time... :)
We all enjoy the blessing of being "We Three Sisters".
In rain...

...or shine!
Ah!!! You have to admit, De-De's a little angel...
...she flits around everywhere she goes!

Uh oh!  Maybe this was not an "Angelic Moment"... :)
De-De's so fun we all are tired out by the end of the day...
...whew!  We're ready for "The most wonderful time of the day"!

We love having Eden in our family.

...And now!

Happy Birthday Eden!

We love you!


Daddy, Mommy, Shiloh, Bethany, Jordan, & Judah.   

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

My Country, 'Tis of Thee

My country, ’tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims’ pride,
From every mountainside,
Let freedom ring!
My native country, thee,
Land of the noble free,
Thy name I love;
I love thy rocks and rills,
Thy woods and templed hills;
My heart with rapture thrills,
Like that above.
No more shall tyrants here
With haughty steps appear,
And soldier bands;
No more shall tyrants tread
Above the patriot dead—
No more our blood be shed
By alien hands.
Let music swell the breeze,
And ring from all the trees,
Sweet freedom’s song;
Let mortal tongues awake;
Let all that breathe partake;
Let rocks their silence break,
The sound prolong.
Our fathers’ God, to Thee,
Author of liberty,
To Thee we sing;
Long may our land be bright
With freedom’s holy light;
Protect us by Thy might,
Great God, our King.
A Bit of 4th of July History~
Words: Sam­u­el F. Smith, 1831. The hymn was first sung at an In­de­pen­dence Day cel­e­bra­tion by the Bos­ton Sab­bath School Un­ion, Ju­ly 4, 1831, and first pub­lished in Choir, or Un­ion Col­lect­ion of Church Mu­sic, by Low­ell Ma­son (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: 1832).

Music: Amer­i­ca, The­saur­us Mu­sic­us, 1744 These words were born be­cause Smith’s friend, Low­ell Ma­son, could not read Ger­man. Ma­son had re­ceived sev­er­al Ger­man hymn­als, and sent them to Smith, who he knew un­der­stood Ger­man. In one of them, Smith ran across the tune now used for My Count­ry ’Tis of Thee. No­ting that the Ger­man words were pa­tri­o­tic in na­ture:

I in­stant­ly felt the im­pulse to write a pa­tri­o­tic hymn of my own, adapt­ed to the tune. Pick­ing up a scrap of waste pa­per which lay near me, I wrote at once, prob­ab­ly with­in half an hour, the hymn ‘Amer­i­ca’ as it is now known ev­ery­where. The whole hymn stands to­day as it stood on the bit of waste paper.

Dr. Smith vis­it­ed the Board of Trade in Chi­ca­go [Il­li­nois] in May of 1887. While sit­ting in the gal­lery he was point­ed out to the some of the mem­bers. Soon he be­came the cen­ter of con­sid­er­a­ble no­tice. All at once the trad­ing on the floor ceased, and from the wheat-pit came the fa­mil­iar words, “My count­ry ’tis of thee.” Af­ter two stan­zas had been sung, Dr. Smith arose and bowed. A rous­ing cheer was giv­en by the men on the floor, to which Dr. Smith was now es­cort­ed by the sec­re­ta­ry of the Board. The mem­bers flocked around Dr. Smith and grasped his hand. Then they opened a pass­age through the crowd and led him to the wheat-pit, where they took off their hats and sang the rest of the hymn.

This information was used with permission:

Happy Independence Day from Ebenezer Forest Farm!!