How blessed we are to announce the birthday of our precious little boy, Judah! His first year of life was a little bit "different" than our other children.... having endured three hospital visits and numerous doctor visits.... but the LORD has shown Himself so faithful to our family this past year and Judah is presently doing very well! We appreciate so many people praying for him all over the United States!! Thank you! Here is his birthday picture with his Mommy.
What a blessing! Congratulations, Judah & family!
Happy Birthday Judah!!! Can't wait to see you all again! love you, David
I'm so glad we can comment on your blog now! I love ALL the pictures of Judah on here, they are all precious! Happy belated birthday to Judah from the Knifong family! It is so cute to see all his siblings dotting on him all the time. Everyone loves Judah, he's a blessed boy!
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