Friday, October 24, 2014


One of our family's favorite TV show is Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman.  At first, it was just a girl's movie night thing, but one evening we called Mommy down to watch an episode with us... and that was it!   She was hooked!  Pretty soon we had the rest of the family hooked on the show and it became a regular evening activity to gather around and watch Dr. Quinn with a big plate of chocolate roca.
For a while we had wanted to do a Dr. Quinn photoshoot, but never got around to getting it done... Busyness is something we seem to thrive on.  ;)  Finally there was an open day and we got some really great pictures! 

The Cast: 
Daddy as Sully (obviously)
Mommy as Dr. Quinn
Shiloh as Charlotte Cooper
 Me as Colleen Cooper Cook
Jordan as Dr. Andrew Cook
Eden as Gilda St. Claire
Judah as Brian Cooper Quinn
Havilah as Grace the Blacksmith's Wife
Benjamin as Robert E.

I'm quite pleased with the results!  I tried to edit as best I could (I'm not good at it and dislike it even more than being bad at it). ;)

 Dr. Quinn and Family

Dr. Michaela Quinn and Sully

Robert E. and Grace

Dr. Andrew Cook and Colleen

Gilda St. Claire
(The beautiful dreamer... or at least that is the song she sang!)

Brian and Charlotte Cooper

Charlotte Cooper with Brian and Colleen

This one looks so old fashioned!

 This picture might not be "in character", but it totally has character, so we'll leave it at that.

Just for fun...  :)

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