Thursday, November 27, 2014


“What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?"

That is a sobering thought.

We have so much--so much--to be thankful for and often we forget some of the greatest things and take it for granted.  I love this verse in Psalm 40:5 "Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered."  The God of this Universe thinks and blesses me!  How can we not read that and feel overwhelmed by His amazing love!

I am so thankful to the Lord for the wonderful things that He has blessed me with.  This year in particular stands out to me as I have experienced so much of the Lord's goodness and faithfulness.  As the scripture says, if I were to list them, they are more than I can number!

I want to echo these words all my life: "To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever." Psalm 30:12

Happy Thanksgiving to each of my special friends!

I would recommend that you read this from Charles Spurgeon.  It is excellent and so timely.

"O that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men."  ~Psalm 107:8
"If we complained less, and praised more, we should be happier, and God would be more glorified. Let us daily praise God for common mercies-common as we frequently call them, and yet so priceless, that when deprived of them we are ready to perish. Let us bless God for the eyes with which we behold the sun, for the health and strength to walk abroad, for the bread we eat, for the raiment we wear. Let us praise Him that we are not cast out among the hopeless, or confined amongst the guilty; let us thank Him for liberty, for friends, for family associations and comforts; let us praise Him, in fact, for everything which we receive from His bounteous hand, for we deserve little, and yet are most plenteously endowed. But, beloved, the sweetest and the loudest note in our songs of praise should be of redeeming love. God's redeeming acts towards His chosen are for ever the favourite themes of their praise. If we know what redemption means, let us not withhold our sonnets of thanksgiving. We have been redeemed from the power of our corruptions, uplifted from the depth of sin in which we were naturally plunged. We have been led to the cross of Christ-our shackles of guilt have been broken off; we are no longer slaves, but children of the living God, and can antedate the period when we shall be presented before the throne without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. Even now by faith we wave the palm-branch and wrap ourselves about with the fair linen which is to be our everlasting array, and shall we not unceasingly give thanks to the Lord our Redeemer? Child of God, canst thou be silent? Awake, awake, ye heritors of glory, and lead your captivity captive, as ye cry with David, "Bless the Lord, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless His holy name." Let the new month begin with new songs."

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Monday, November 24, 2014

The Florida Happy Dance

We spent the beginning of November on the other side of the United States... in Florida!  Last year, we were incredibly blessed to have our short movie, "Him and Her", win grand prize in the video contest we were apart of.  Since that prize covered the trip for half of us, we decided to take the whole family and make it a trip of a lifetime.  And believe me: it was an incredible trip!  I felt so grateful, so humbled, so thankful that the Lord graciously poured out such blessing on each of us.  Wow.  We were able to do so many amazing things as He orchestrated everything in His perfect timing.  I am so thankful to the Lord.

While on our big Florida vacation, we made sure to get clips of some spontaneous--yet frequent for us--dancing to the classic "Happy Song".  I edited all our footage, making it into a video memoir!  Filmed all over Florida... in the MCO airport, Disney World, Epcot, on the road, etc.
And if you've ever wondered... this video does a pretty good job of summing up what goes on behind closed doors: dance grooves and comedy routines.  What can I say?  Our parents are really good teachers!

I have lots of pictures to post, so hopefully I will get those up before next year.  (Just kidding!)

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Friday, November 14, 2014

Slavic Symphony Performance

Recently the Lord has opened the door for me to have a position with the Slavic Symphony Orchestra.  I am thrilled about this opportunity!  The best part is that the orchestra is founded by Christians and the concerts are Christ-centered.  My friend, Kathrina, had told me that they were in desperate need of string players.  I called up the director and ended up auditioning over the phone!  It was pretty crazy.  The director put me as the stand partner of my friend.  And that was just too much fun!  Rehearsals were great as we worked together and tossed quite a few jokes back and forth through whispers and eye contact.  Yes, I admit that there was more than one occasion where we were stifling laughter.  ;)

 Listening to the Scripture being read.

Leaving the stage after a wonderful performance.

 This is our fantastic director.
(Photo credits go to the Slavic Symphony.)

I love how everyone's bows are midair.  Can you see me right in the middle?
(Photo credits go to the Slavic Symphony.)

This was a beautiful location.
(Photo credits go to the Slavic Symphony.)

 My lovely friend, Kathrina.  Best stand partner ever!  :)

 And these are my amazing parents that make everything happen!

And if you would like to check out any of the videos, click this link here:

To God be the glory!

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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Marty Goetz in Concert

It had been about 10 years since the last time we saw Modern Day Psalmist, Marty Goetz play in concert!  We were so blessed to attended a wonderful evening of music and praise.  He is an incredible musician and is serious about spreading the love of Christ through His music.

 Love this picture!

 It was great to catch up and talk for a while afterwards.  :)

It was a very special evening!

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