Friday, December 2, 2011

Birthday and Bowling!

We were delighted to spend time this past week with the Smythe family to celebrate Mr. Smythe's birthday!
It was a very fun day full of big surprises...
We started out by having lunch together, then went Bowling, and finished off the day with a big bowl of Cold Stone ice cream!  What a day!

Enjoy these pictures that we took!  Oh, and special thanks to Evan for some of the shots.


Getting our groups set up with balls, lanes, and special shoes!  :)

Yvonne set to work signing everyone up to play.

I love this picture!!!

Daddy preparing his arm-swing.

Shiloh lets the ball fly!

Were we having way too much fun or what?!

Mr. Smythe's strike!

Trying to hit at least one pin...

I actually got one strike!  :)

Yvonne was the one who had all the tips on choosing the right ball, how to throw with smooth movements, and where to line up on the lines!

Mommy with the ball that she shared with Mrs. Smythe.

Evan gets ready!

Jordan goes through a few practice swings...

Eden surprised us all with her bowling abilities!
(Okay, she is using bumpers in this picture!)

Elanne's turn to make a strike!

Here is the happy group after a good game!

Oh, and the ice cream was delicious!

We had a wonderful evening of fun and fellowship with our friends!  We hope to do it again--soon!

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1 comment:

Eden said...

Ok..... It wad not my idea to be on the bumper one, and when I switched onto the "non-bumper" one, I even got an extra turn at the end!!!! :). Great post!!!

Love you Bet,