After much preparation and work, we were ready to compete in the Regional Level of the Bible Bee! Since a few of us are too old to compete, we got to volunteer. Shiloh and I were Commander and Assistant Commander (I know, I'm younger!) and both Jordan and Eden were two competitors. They did a great job and we were very excited that Jordan ranked Fourth Place in our group!
It is truly a blessing to be able to proclaim God's Word with authority! Doing the Bible Bee has been a terrific experience for our family!
Of course the cameras were flashing! ;)
Up at 4:10am and heading out to the car. (Pardon the messy hair!) Hey, at least we were smiling!
Hitting the road.
Can't miss this stop!
The beautiful sunrise.
Some random hot air balloons that were going up.
Everyone at the opening ceremony. Can't miss that cup of Inka!
The D. Family did an extraordinary job with hosting our Hive.
Primaries and Pre-Bees.
Eden and Jordan ready to head off to their rounds!
Shiloh and I were Commanders for the Primary Division. We had a lot of fun doing our job!
While the results and scores were being put together, everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch put on by the S. Family. They are amazing!
After lunch, we all gathered back together for the Awards Ceremony!
The cute Pre-Bees.
The Juniors.
We were so proud of Jordan as he ranked Fourth Place with the top five Seniors from our group!
A big congratulations to them all!
During the closing ceremony, there were Scripture recitations. We sang two Scripture songs.
Me with Olivia D. the two time National Primary Champion... she made First Place in our group!
Jordan and his best friend, Evan S. in their matching "Courageous" t-shirts!
The D. Family did an extraordinary job with hosting our Hive.
Primaries and Pre-Bees.
Eden and Jordan ready to head off to their rounds!
Shiloh and I were Commanders for the Primary Division. We had a lot of fun doing our job!
While the results and scores were being put together, everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch put on by the S. Family. They are amazing!
Bethany C. was one of the four (I think) Bethany's there. We had fun with each other. :)
Someone's camera shy!
Judah runs to get his award! Let me tell you, it is so amazing to see that!The cute Pre-Bees.
The Juniors.
The Seniors. (Yes, we got benefits!)
A big congratulations to them all!
During the closing ceremony, there were Scripture recitations. We sang two Scripture songs.
There he is!
Jordan was very happy and I think a little tired after all that!
Jordan and his best friend, Evan S. in their matching "Courageous" t-shirts!
Even though I was just a few hours too old to compete, our hive was kind enough to allow me to participate. I also got awarded for learning all the material with the other competitors.
The whole Hive! What a wonderful group!
I might post some of the photographer's pictures when I get them... but we'll see! :)
If any other Bible Bee-ers are out there, please drop us a comment!
Congratulations to all the other competitors for doing such a good job this Summer!
My favorite passage:
"Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway."
~1 Corinthians 9:24-27
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Hey, did you guys know that this post is on the Bible Bee website’s news list?!
Yes we do! Isn't that crazy? I don't know how they found it.
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