Sunday, January 17, 2010

Online Mentoring with Mr. Botkin

Hi Everyone...

We are grateful for the ministry of Mr. Geoffrey Botkin and his family and the impact that it has had in our lives. Right now, our men are participating in an online weekly mentoring course that Mr. Botkin is leading. It is not too late to join in on all the wonderful wisdom! Follow this link if you want to know more.
God Bless!

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Thank you for commenting on my blog! It was fun to see how your family has been saved by the wonderful grace of our Savior!!! We looked look a speck of dust compared to what you have been were probably happy to get your lights back on after the storm. :)
I also have been blessed by the Botkin family, My sisters and I have really enjoyed their film, Return of the Daughters! I have also been blessed to have permission to use their articles off their blog
( ) to use in my magazine. If you were to email them I am sure they would allow you to do the same. (If you would like to email them then I can give you their email) May God bless!!!