Friday, March 5, 2010

It's Nearly Kidding Time Again!

The other day, I went outside to take some pictures of our pregnant Mama Does and my Mother wanted me to take a picture of our Wether for Craig's List so I ended up taking pictures of nearly all the goats...

In this first picture collage we have (clockwise): Moses (the Wether), Allegro (which is that sick goat - actually she is doing much better... as you can see in the picture the leg that is in an angle is stuck in that position and that's what we are working on right now... getting it straight), next is Sandy our big Pygora Doe (she is for sale), and last is Miriam (she is just the sweetest goat! She always follows us around like a dog and LOVES jumping on people).

Here's Moses... Obviously he wasn't that photogenic when Mommy said to go take a picture him! I eventually got a pretty good picture of him. Moses is Judah's favorite goat! :D

Here's Fiddle (personally my favorite goat). We get along great together... that is until milking time... that's the time when I milk and she kicks... But the milk is worth all the kicking and I am looking forward to early morning milking sessions! :) She's due to kid on March 12th. How many do you think she's going to have? I'm guessing twins and I hope that both are does!

Here's Windy or Woodwind her full name. She is new to the farm this year and we bought her from some nice "goat friends". She has a lovely deep baa which is so nice to hear verses Fiddle's loud, high, obnoxious baa. :) She's due in May and I'm guessing that she will have triplets... What do you think? I'm also hoping for all does too... Bucks are just too hard to deal with! :)

Be sure to vote on the poll we've put on the side of our blog and try to make a good guess on how many kids each doe will have... We will be sure to post more pictures when we have kids!! For now Bethany has to muck out the kidding area and I have to prepare kidding supplies. How Fun!

Posted By:
Shiloh Ariel


Grandpa and Grandma said...

Life is very exciting on the farm!!...........Busy.............. and due to get a lot busier!!

Bisceglia Family said...

Hello! You girls have been so great about visiting our blog (thank you, thank you :)), that I thought I should finally come over and visit/comment on yours!! (Thanks, Bethany, for confessing about being a ghost visitor on our blog.;))

How life is such a treasure to watch! We've never had goats ourselves, but we know various people who do, and I've milked one before. It was fun! I'll definitely be back to see the pictures of the kids.
