Thursday, April 9, 2009

Bethany's Dramatic Speech

This is Tournament Update Part 6. And I will be posting the pictures from my dramatic speech. I did it on "Evidence Not Seen" an autobiography by Darlene Deibler Rose. It is a wonderful book and I strongly recommend it!

Enjoy the pictures!


This is me looking at all the scripts from all the competitor's speeches. (Eden snapped this shot!)

You might remember from the second tournament post that it was asked why I looked like this! Well it was because I was making faces to the camera girls Shiloh and Eden who decided to see my speech, NOT because I was afraid!

Does this picture prove that I'm not afraid?! I do look much more relaxed! By the way, this was when I was going up to introduce myself.

In this picture it I am playing the part of an evil man (called "The Interrogator") who is in the act of drawing a sword to kill Darlene.

I'm playing The Interrogator again in this picture. He's calling out threats to Darlene and her best friend Margret.

Well that is all the pictures! I sure had a wonderful time doing this speech! I really learned a lot. (And yes, I want to compete in another dramatic next year too!)

~Posted by:


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